How to choose a suitable mascara bottle?


There are several sizes of mascara bottles available. T […]

There are several sizes of mascara bottles available. They can range in size from 6 ml to 8 ml. These bottles are great for the traveler and are affordable, too! Choosing the right one depends on the style and shape of your lashes, as well as your personal preference. Below are some tips for choosing the right mascara bottle. You should also know the different types of mascara brushes available. You can find a wide variety of brushes at cosmetics stores.

The shape of a mascara bottle has changed recently. There are two main styles of mascara bottles - slim and chubby. Mascara brands are increasingly giving attention to the packaging and decoration of their products. Chubby, slim bottles come in tall and short versions. Brands are also requesting different brush shapes, such as tapered ones.

Mascara formulas differ from one brand to another. One brand uses a water-based formula while another prefers a lotion base formula. The two are similar in that both contain waxes and emulsifiers. Once all the ingredients are mixed, the mixture is ready for packaging. Afterwards, the pigments are added. Some brands even infuse their formulas with scents. This can be a fun sensory experience.